Trigger point therapy

Trigger points are behind many headaches and neck pain. Common causes are poor posture and stress, but also injuries after an accident and any other type of muscle damage. Trigger points are thickenings of muscles.

As a result, blood circulation is disturbed. Inflammatory processes are set in motion, and painful tensions develop in muscle tissue and fascia, which is why they are also known as myofascial trigger points. They can occur all over the body, but they are especially often found on the shoulders and neck. The culprit is usually incorrect posture when working at a desk. The pain caused by the tension usually extends to the head. Trigger point therapy aims to release the tension and relieve the pain. But what exactly is trigger point therapy, how does it work, what is done and when is it used?

What is trigger point therapy?

Trigger point therapy is one of the manual therapies. It involves releasing tension by applying pressure to the trigger points. Depending on the severity of the problem, repeated sessions are needed until the trigger points resolve and the pain disappears. Trigger point therapy is often supplemented by physiotherapy or back training to prevent the trigger points from forming again due to poor posture and stress. Painkillers and muscle relaxers can support the process on the drug therapy side.

How trigger point therapy works?

Manual treatment of trigger points normalizes blood circulation and supply of oxygen and nutrients to the following areas. The pain in the trigger points and also the resulting pain disappear.

What is done in trigger point therapy?

If trigger points are to blame for acute and chronic pain, the therapist will first palpate the muscles to find any hardening. The more precise the therapy, the better the success. In particular, none of the trigger points should be overlooked, as pain is transmitted from each of these points. Therefore, only when all trigger points are resolved, the pain also disappears. Then the treatment of the points begins through a pressure massage.

Pressure massage uses appropriate massage grips to treat the muscles, fascia and connective tissue. The pressure may initially increase pain. However, as soon as the tension begins to release, noticeable relief sets in. All trigger points must be carefully resolved. In some circumstances, this may require multiple treatments.

When to use trigger point therapy?

Many painful ailments are triggered by trigger points. But other ailments can also be attributed to trigger points. Most commonly, trigger point therapy is used for:

  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Knee pain
  • Elbow pain
  • Hip pain
  • Dizziness
  • Tinnitus
  • Numbness

Trigger point therapy must not be used when taking blood-thinning medication, as this can cause bleeding into the tissue.

Trigger point therapy brings immediate relief and is therefore good for acute pain. However, without treatment of the causes for the formation of trigger points, they will always recur. Pain treatment via trigger points must therefore always be accompanied by other forms of therapy such as muscle strengthening, exercise or relaxation exercises.

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